White Holland Turkeys

We are excited to add White Holland turkey’s to the farm this year. Out of the chicks that we raise, we will be selecting 3 for continued breeding who will become permenant residents of the farm.
The White Holland Turkey is considered a Heritage breed and is very rare — listed as threatened by the Livestock Conservancy. Females average about 20lbs and Males average about 36lbs.
Not currently available.
Meat Chickens

Seasonally we offer farm fresh, free range, non-GMO, corn-free chicken at $5/lb.
Not currently available.
Egg Layers

Seasonally we offer farm fresh, free range, non-GMO, corn-free eggs at $5/dozen.
Not currently available.

One of the largest ducks in the world, Muscovy Ducks are much unlike the ducks you are used to seeing. They prefer to roost and fly instead of swim. With their sharp claws they are a strong ally to protecting our other animals. They also do a great job keep the insect and snake population at bay.